Dear Parents, Students, Teachers and Sekolah Ciputra community,

Welcome back to the start of term 4. This term is absolutely critical for the grade 12 students as they begin their final preparations for their IBDP examinations. This is a pressured time for them, and the school offers all the academic, social and emotional support to them to help them successfully overcome this challenge!

Congratulations to everyone who was involved in the grade 12 art exhibition. Held at Ciputra University it was a thoroughly enjoyable occasion. The art was of a very high quality, the music was provided by our students and student businesses provided the catering!  It was wonderful to see so many in attendance at the exhibition including many of our alumni.  Congratulations to Mai who won the Executive Director’s award, Viona in second place and Rachel in third. Their art will be on display for the next year!

Term four will see students complete their final summative tasks. Transitions into Grade 1 and grade 7 will be organised. Students in the high school will participate in camps for the first time in three years whilst end of year assemblies, completion ceremonies will be held. We will have the sad task of farewelling our wonderful grade 12 students at their graduation while enjoying seeing their incredible university acceptances.

Welcome back to the students who visited Melbourne during the break. They had a wonderful time and got to see all the higher educational opportunities available. A big thank you to Dr Chris and Ms Niken for accompanying them

We look forward to working together as a community to get the very best for and from our students. 

Have a great week. 

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal

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