News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Last week I wrote about the myriad of activities that are occurring in the school and that doesna��t let up. Our OSIS team are busy with the planning and preparation for the Ciputra Cup which will be held from Friday, 24th – Sunday 26th of November. The rehearsals for our school production are also underway.

All the teams that participated in the SES 7-aside football tournament can feel proud of themselves as can all those who participated in the various Jawa Pos Zetizen Competitions. At both of these events I was struck with the enthusiasm of our participating students and the willingness of our staff who rolled up their sleeves and supported them.

We had a large number of prospective students that came for the school for entrance testing on Saturday. I spoke to many of the parents about the need for new students to engage fully with Sekolah Ciputra and all the opportunities it provides. We are an unashamedly academic school yet we offer a wide range of experiences and activities for our students.

The event that really impacted on me was the Sebako Murah last Saturday. Thanks to the generosity of our school community, the organisational talents of the parent support group (PSG), and the willingness of staff and students to give of their time, we were able to provide in excess of 1300 packs to those in our community who are less well off.A� This was a really significant achievement and symbolic of a really healthy school community.

My last comments for this week focus on the academic. Examination and reporting time is upon us and it is important that all students make the effort to demonstrate the depth of their learning in the last semester.

Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn