News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear students, staff, parents, alumni and the whole Sekolah Ciputra community, 

Welcome back to the start of term 3. I hope you have all had the opportunity to be with family and friends to recharge and reflect. Over the weekend I attended the job fair for international teachers in Melbourne. It was wonderful to be able to talk about our school in an international setting and witness the high regard we are held in by international organisations as well as potential staff.

Back in Surabaya this is business time for our G12 cohort who face their last full term at school. They have the mock examinations in February and following on from that, their diploma examinations. All students will sit examinations in at least three subjects and the majority in 6. This means that  academics must be the predominant focus for all G12 students. After examinations finish, graduation looms! The same can be said for our grade 10 students with their impending personal project and e-assessments and our grade 6 students who have a looming deadline in the form of the exhibition.  The beginning of the second semester is a good time for everyone to reflect upon progress and reset goals.

Huge opportunities to grow and develop await. We will have school productions, service activities, a new round of ECAs, the World Scholars’ Cup, Model United Nations and many, many other activities. These are all designed to support a really well balanced education whereby students can grow and become successful academically, social and emotionally.  We look forward to a wonderful and fulfilling semester.

Have a great week!

Martin Blackburn
Executive Principal