News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

trialI reflected upon the considerable talent we have in the school during the MYP completion ceremony on Friday evening. I don’t know of many schools where every single student goes onto the stage to perform live. It was wonderful to note the different aspects of our school vision come together. We celebrated the end of the MYP journey for the students, academic achievement as well as showcasing the individual talents of every student. It was a wonderful occasion. This theme continues throughout the week with the Year 6 and Early Years completion ceremonies.

Reports will be issued and I urge you to take the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress at the parent teacher conferences at the end of the week.There is a reasonable short turn around between the end of this academic year and the beginning of next year.Please bear in mind the information we sent out about school uniform and particularly wearing black shoes.

Have a great week

Martin Blackburn

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