Dear Parents, students, teachers and Sekolah Ciputra community,
I am preparing this article from the IBO Global Conference in Daegu Korea. These conferences always provide valuable insights into the school. Firstly, we get insights into trends in education and best practice. We also get the reassurance of comparing what we do with what is happening in other international schools. In the main this is very reassuring but we can always learn more from the practice of others. What was also very positive was that five of our teachers presented three different workshops at the conference, indicative of the cutting edge teaching at Sekolah Ciputra. It was really uplifting to hear teachers talking positively about our teachers’ workshops and about the great things happening at Sekolah Ciputra
Whilst away the school (and Surabaya) experienced a cluster of earthquakes. Thank you for all the care and concern regarding this event. Hearing news of it made me feel very grateful that we hold regular drills for such an event and that things like this can occur at any time. That being said, there is always a big difference between a drill and the real thing and we need to be prepared. We (the health and safety sub-committee) will review our processes in the light of this event.
Thank you to everyone involved with the very successful grade 12 art exhibition. It was great to see that we celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Executive Director’s art awards and that this year’s artworks will join those from the past 10 years. They will be another highlight in our school history!
Have a great week.
Martin Blackburn
Executive Principal