News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,

Welcome back! Hope you all had a good break and enjoyed catching up with family and friends,

This new academic year offers us all a chance to take stock of where we are, to reset our goals and to aim to surpass the next milestone. I’m sure you will have heard the stunningly good results of our IB Diploma Programme, with seven students gaining a grade of 40 or more is absolutely outstanding. A quick view of the honours board in the High School foyer will reinforce just what a great achievement it is. However, behind this very public success are literally hundreds of other success stories. Students have gained entrance to universities of their choice, have surpassed their own expectations and have aimed for and achieved their goals. It has been wonderful to hear of these achievements and Sekolah Ciputra being a part of these success stories.  

We go into this year buoyed by our success but also aware that the bar has risen again. Our expectations are higher and we want to support and challenge students to be the very best they can be. Encourage your child to set their goals high and at the same time be aware that there is a lot of support in the school to help them realise their goals. Please also be aware that we are working closely with building your child’s emotional intelligence as well. We actively teach good manners and insist that good manners are modelled by all staff and students in the school. As stated in the introductory assembly to all new parents, our job is to build the whole student to help prepare them to be successful, both intellectually and emotionally.  

We look forward to a wonderful year of learning and growing together.  

Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn                                                                                         

Executive Principal

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