Youth Innovation Challenge

Congratulations to:

  • Abigail Raychiele Tantono HS Student
  • Christie Feodora Suanthie HS Student
  • Isabelle Mischa Setyabudi HS Student
  • Nadya Valerie Onggo HS Student
  • Sophie Keira Santoso HS Student

for their achievements in the Youth Innovation Challenge 
Once again, congratulations everyone!

Group 1: 1st Place:

The Youth Innovation Challenge was a significant event that will remain memorable to us. During the event, our team had the opportunity to experience what it felt like to become young entrepreneurial innovators. This event required us as a team to come up with an idea of an innovation that was sustainable and beneficial to solve our country’s problem; plastic pollution in Indonesia. Over the years, plastic has been used oftenly in the industrial world, and communities have been working together to try overcoming it. We ended up with the idea of recyclable vending machines. Our idea worked so that people would be able to either get snacks, money, etc from the vending machines in exchange for types of plastics; plastic bottles, wrappers, etc.

Throughout this whole process, we faced some challenges which include: time management, developing skills to create the product and fulfilling the product requirements. We had zero experience in creating an innovation, especially one that could solve Indonesia’s problems, but with the support and help from each other we were able to keep going and not give up. The challenges we faced were building blocks to a new start of the development of a new skill. 

Group 2: 2nd Place:
Congratulations to:

  • Aishwarya Tania Zahara Pandey HS Student
  • Joliene Bellerie Rahardjo HS Student
  • Nathasia Angeline HS Student
  • Numa Fathun Nizar HS Student
  • Lee Hye Rim HS Student

for their achievements in the Youth Innovation Challenge 
Once again, congratulations everyone!

Last September 2022, we were delighted to participate in the “Youth Innovation Challenge”, a global innovation challenge aimed to solve world problems for the first time as a group. We exhausted much of our leisure time after school hours to complete the lengthy, compulsory course set by them, as well as to brainstorm and shape a device that feasibly and efficiently solves any of the 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). By collaborating and cooperating with each of our respective strengths (whether that be creativity, critical thinking, or knowledgeable skills), we, after countless trials and errors, designed a solid, meticulous product named the “Saridra”, an abbreviation of “Saringan Samudra”. It functions to sustain sea life by filtering contaminated oil, similarly to how a Trapzilla Grease Interceptor works. After passing the first round and semi-final round (with your votes!!), we advanced to the finals to be interviewed by the founder of the academy. As a result, not only were we honored to receive 2nd place and a book entitled ‘Carbon Almanac’, but we also received the opportunity to present our innovation and become a primary source to several PYP 6 students in their PYP Exhibition project. Thank you for the students who voted for us, and the wonderful teachers who guided us along the way!! – NUM Group




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