hubSC – Entrepreneurship

The second half of 2018 proved to be an exciting time for students “Embracing the Spirit” of entrepreneurship at Sekolah Ciputra. While the skills of entrepreneurship, such as creativity, financial literacy and working with others, are taught regularly through the current school curriculum, some specific events enabled students to demonstrate their entrepreneurial flair.

The PYP 4 Kidpreneur Day exhibited students’ ability to create, research, build a business case and finally promote a stall at lunchtime. Five students were awarded the inaugural Kidpreneur trophy and used their skills to run a highly successful stall in the local Farmers’ Market. In Grade 11 Enterprise class, students worked in teams to create original entrepreneurial ideas, with two teams winning the opportunity to present their ideas at the University of Ciputra young entrepreneur competition. Other students, through the design school, built and presented an app developed for the UBS Youth Con 2018.

2019 offers plenty of opportunities for future entrepreneurs. Sekolah Ciputra will offer more structured opportunities for entrepreneurship such as extending the Grade 10 Personal Project and Grade 9 mini Personal Project in more explicit business, service or social venture outcomes. Also, the full launch of hubSC is planned, a hub of learning that will be at the centre of the on and off line growth of “Embracing the Spirit” of entrepreneurship.