News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,

The great news for the start of this week is that we now have permission to move to a full official hybrid regime in the High School. From the first day of Term 2, High School students (Grades 7-12), will be able to attend. Of course, we will be following the rules laid down by the provincial and city taskforces.  The simulations that are in place have been very successful and demonstrated our willingness to open the school without compromising on safety. Hopefully we will get more good news about the Elementary and Pre-Elementary as well as the hours that students are able to attend. Nonetheless, this is significant and positive progress.

The school is also celebrating Teacher Appreciation Day this week. All groups within the school should be complemented for their flexibility and resilience. It is appropriate however to express our admiration and gratitude to our wonderful teachers for all their hard work in very demanding circumstances.

Well done to the PYP for their work on Batik Day as well as the three way conferences. Walking around the school and observing the process, it was very evident that there was a high degree of engagement and participation.  Having students, parents and teachers working together like this, is very effective in ensuring academic success.

We received some wonderful news about the achievements of one of our students last week.  We look forward to announcing it on 1st October, stayed tuned….!

Lastly, thank you to everyone for your contribution to our first term.  We started in the depths of a lockdown and are now in a position where face-to-face teaching is available for a large number of our students.  May this continue and we see more students back at school.

Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal

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