Friendship Day

During this period of remote learning, the PYP STUCO team came up with ideas of making an event that is possible to do online but fun, led by Celine Angelina Kurniawan (PYP 5C) as the leader for this first STUCO event. We decided to do it based on all the members’ ideas and we voted. Here are the reasons to celebrate Friendship Day that actually correlate with International Friendship Day on the first Sunday of August which this year was on the 2nd of August. We thought that Friendships are the purest type of human relationships besides which friendship is also equally important to our mental health. Therefore, our aim is actually to celebrate friendship and the relationships that exist between friends. Friends help us deal with stress, make better lifestyle choices that keep us strong, and allow us to rebound from health issues and diseases more quickly. This is especially important during this pandemic.

This event was held on the  31st of August 2020 and many Elementary students participated with awesome ideas that were beneficial to share. PYP 1 – 6 students came up with creative products such as a handicrafts (bracelet, photos or cards) Some of the upper graders were used Google meet to hold an online chat and quiz that they created, videoed slides of friendships, send an electronic letter to friend(s), and many more. Here are some examples of the students’ creative ideas: