News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,

Thank you everyone for such a smooth start to the academic year. The issues involved in ensuring staff and students are coordinated when everyone is working from home are quite challenging and we are delighted with the way in which our systems have operated. The High School, after holding their opening assemblies, was teaching by Period 3 and the Elementary School successfully launched their new learning platform Toddle. I want to pay tribute to everyone involved in this transition. It required a lot of cooperation and teamwork to ensure that everyone was correctly logged in to the new system and it was functioning properly. We are confident that it will prove to be a wise investment and our students will have even better access to learning opportunities.

Despite the fact we are in PPKM level 4 we feel confident about the future. As stated last week, our systems are ready for the transition from online to hybrid learning and then to full face to face. Most of our staff are now fully vaccinated and the majority of students over twelve years old have had their first vaccine. Teachers’ families are registered for their vaccinations too. We look forward to moving down the PPKM levels and the opportunity to renew our simulations in the Early Years, the playground in the PYP and the Senior High School.

As a side note, I hope that people are taking the opportunity of drawing inspiration from the Olympics.  We can learn a lot about dedication and resilience from athletes competing and apply those lessons to our own lives!

Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal