Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,

Last Saturday morning I had the opportunity first hand of seeing the support and commitment our staff routinely demonstrate. As I was supervising examination practice with some senior students, I was struck by the huge number of students who were in the school supported by staff. World Scholars Cup (WSC) practice for both Elementary and High School was in full swing and facilitated by teaching and MARCOM staff. They were even supporting students from outside the of our school. There were two basketball practices and a Tae Kwon Do session. The ICT staff were all in working hard and there was even a Saturday detention for students who need a little reinforcement on some school expectations. This collaboration and commitment was equally evident at the Grade 12 Art Festival on Thursday night. Many students, parents and staff came out to support.

It is so easy to feel proud of our staff and students. For example, I heard the charity that the Grade 12 Art students had chosen for the proceeds of their charity auction I was moved. They are keeping the recipient private because goodness is its own reward. However, their choice was without doubt a wonderful example of the learner profile and school vision in action. These are incredible people. Thank you to all our students, teachers and staff who bring our vision to life.

Good luck to the IBDP Grade 12 students who begin their examinations this week.

Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn

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