The Semester 2 religious event involved all the religions in Sekolah Ciputra. The aim of this event is to develop the students’ relationship and the humanity values in diversity. We were born to be different, even in religion, and the differences often become a crucial issue for the sake of political purposes.
There is beauty in diversity. It is one thing that unites humanity and it is the fact of God’s creation. Diversity is an important part of students’ learnings since they were young and it must be put into practice in their daily lives. The purpose of this event is to respect and appreciate each individual even though they are different in many ways especially in religion. This activity is held by the Year 7-9 students.
The students sang a Kita Bhineka Kita Indonesia, Aku Cinta Indonesia songs, and storytelling about developing friendship in Budha, Pendarasan Tasyamuh in Islam, reading of Darmawacana, about tolerance in Hinduism and in Drama about Good Samaritan in Catholic and Christian students.
These activities support values of unity, peace and love among Sekolah Ciputra students. Pancasila (meaning five principles) become the core values of unity in diversity. Our hope is that all students can put these values into practice in their daily lives.