Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,
Friday 22nd was an amazing day for the whole Ciputra family. We celebrated Founder’s Day. This year as you know marks the 40th anniversary of the Ciputra Group and the 25th anniversary of Sekolah Ciputra. The day focussed upon entrepreneurship and innovation. It was a marvellous opportunity for people from the different sections to find out more about each other, to learn and to innovate.
As part of this celebration, the donations we received have been used to purchase basic food items which were distributed by Garda Pangan and school community members on Saturday 23rd. This included student representatives.
This week our celebration for Bulan Bahasa takes centre stage. The PYP have been led by STUCO who posed the question to students, “Why is it important to study Indonesian?” and “Why is Indonesian important to me?” On Friday they will celebrate with an assembly in the PYP and EYP.
The High School will also be celebrating with an assembly. Their aim for this assembly is to commemorate the Bulan Bahasa which is celebrated in October. This is related to the history on 28 October 1928 when young Indonesian nationalists in the second youth congress proclaimed three ideas: one motherland, one nation and one language. During this assembly, they will have a video about the history, the declaration of the youth pledge, and also the students’ and teachers’ thoughts about Sumpah Pemuda (the youth pledge). Additionally, students will perform poetry, storytelling and monol
This week sees some changes to the hybrid model within the school. It is good to see numbers picking up but please be aware that the situation is very dynamic and further changes may occur suddenly. We just need to remain positive and flexible.
Have a great week.
Martin Blackburn
Executive Principal