“I would recommend Sekolah Ciputra, Sekolah Ciputra provides opportunities and unique learning methods that don’t limit us to the classroom.”


1. How long were you in Sekolah Ciputra? Starting from what grade until what grade?
16 years from Playgroup until Grade 12.

2. After graduating from Sekolah Ciputra, where do you study? What is your major?
Universitas Ciputra majoring in Interior Architecture.

3. Can you please share your experience applying to university?
It was difficult however Sekolah Ciputra helped greatly with the process.

4. What do you expect to do after graduating from university?
I expect to become an active role in society and do my part by being an architect.

5. In what way did Sekolah Ciputra contribute to who you are right now?
Sekolah Ciputra helped me grow as a person through various methods such as self identifying, and enhancing my critical thinking skills.

6. What was the best thing about Sekolah Ciputra? Tell us something memorable from your time at Sekolah Ciputra
The best thing about Sekolah Ciputra is the community and how we engaged and bonded with one another. A memorable time at Sekolah Ciputra was during the farewell trip to Bali.

7. What advice would you give to a graduating student?
You can do anything when you put your mind to it – everyone is given different opportunities and we must take advantage of the chances we are given to the best of our abilities.

8. Would you recommend Sekolah Ciputra to others? If yes, what would you say about it?
Of course! I would recommend Sekolah Ciputra to others because Sekolah Ciputra provides opportunities and unique learning methods that don’t limit us to the classroom.

9. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
In my free time, I mostly relax, however I also take that time as a chance to learn new things outside of academics such as new hobbies or interests.