Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,
It is important that a safe learning environment is built and maintained and that a culture of support and resilience exists so that all members of our school community can enjoy a supportive environment. Both the student and parent survey last year identified just how important it is that everyone feels safe in our school environment. On this note, it has been pleasing to see how many activities and systems have been put in place to ensure that our school shows zero tolerance to bullying in all its forms. We have had several campaigns this year, as well as actively teaching students strategies to use if they feel that they are the victims of bullying. It is pleasing to see the activities StuCo have put in place to mark world anti-bullying day today. We will always maintain our focus on bullying awareness because we know that it is a behaviour that can creep in and have a serious impact upon lives. We are committed to our focus on providing a safe learning environment.
We continue to celebrate the wonderful effort our community is making with online learning. It was great to see the PYP assembly and we are looking forward to the HS assembly on Friday. There are lots of examples of great collaboration between staff, students and parents. We will continue to work and innovate to maintain the vital learning connection.
Have a great week!
Martin Blackburn