News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear students, staff, parents, alumni and the whole Sekolah Ciputra community,

The PYP exhibition is upon us.  On any visit to the upper floors of the elementary you will see groups of students working collaboratively together, often with the assistance of their mentors.  Sitting in on their discussions it is very easy to be impressed with the depth of their research, their insights and the way they are able to analyse and evaluate data.  There is a parents information session on Monday 13th regarding PYPX.  We look forward to a very successful event.

Next weekend sees us hosting the Sekolah Ciputra Model United Nations.  This is an international event which is a wonderful way for students to practice applying their knowledge to real world situations.  We held our first Sekolah Ciputra MUN seven years ago.  Since then, students from Sekolah Ciputra have participated in MUN events nationally and internationally. The skills required to be successful are absolutely invaluable. We look forward to another, highly successful, student led event. 

 It is hard to believe, but Friday 17th marks the hundredth day of the school year which will be celebrated in the PYP with a special focus on mathematics. The hundredth Day is always an enjoyable one as you get to see the different interpretations that students have about the number 100.  The creativity is always inspirational.

Have a wonderful week.

Martin Blackburn
Executive Principal

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