News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents,

Even by our productive standards, last week was incredibly busy and amazingly rewarding.

We had our Grade 12 diploma students working through their mock examinations. These are the dress rehearsals before their actual diploma examinations, so these are a really important gauge of how each student is doing. We had the hugely successful presentation of the Grade 10 Personal Projects. The range and imagination involved in these projects was excellent. The presentation was also superbly organised. Take a look at the video posted on the website. The Elementary school, which is the middle of its organisation for the PYP Exhibition, took time out to celebrate performances with Ciputraa��s Got Talent 5.A� Our students demonstrated the depth and breadth of their ability in another well organised event ably led by our students. Our Marcom department in consultation with our wonderful Parent Support Group organised two seminars by Mr Alan Yip on Friday. Finally, to cap it off, we hosted the School to School Conference. Almost 600 educators from around Indonesia participated in this event, organised and delivered by Sekolah Ciputra staff. This community service fits very well with our vision. I was hugely proud of the staff that organised the event and gave up so much of their time to make it the extraordinary success it was.

It is wonderful to be part of such a vibrant and multi-faceted community.

Have a great week!

Martin Blackburn

Executive Principal