Dear Alumni

Thank you all for coming along to our preliminary alumni meeting last Friday. I hope you enjoyed catching up with friends and having a look around the school. We really appreciate your time and effort to come. We were delighted to see so many of you.

As you know, keeping in touch with ex class mates can get more difficult as time goes by. This is where we need your help to spread the word through your contacts. We would like to reach out to as many Sekolah Ciputra Alumni as possible. Please send us your friends/ex-class mates contact, Whatsapp or email to Ms Ria or myself.A� ria@sekolahciputra.sch.idA�orA�

Meanwhile, some of you have expressed an interest in becoming involved with the creation of the Alumni Association. We need you to develop and grow this very important part of the schoola��s history. Please let me know if you can participate and in what capacity. Some of you may not have as much time as others, but small contributions from many people can make a difference. I look forward to hearing from you and we are excited for the future of the Sekolah Ciputra Alumni.

Another meeting will be organized for mid-October to establish a formal committee.

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