Dear Alumni,

Greetings from Sekolah Ciputra.

For some of our Alumni, school may be a distant memory, whereas others that have recently graduated may still have strong connections with their old teachers and school friends. As the years roll by and life takes everyone in different directions, we often have less time to keep in touch with our old school and friends.

This is exactly why we are reaching out to you.A� As in many schools, the Alumni are not only an important part of the history but also serves in practical and rewarding ways. We feel it is important that the past is not forgotten and we would like to reunite friends, ignite memories and create a strong Alumni group at Sekolah Ciputra.

We would love to hear from you to discuss how you can help us to develop an Alumni group. We need your networking skills, ideas, plans and enthusiasm to create and grow the Sekolah Ciputra Alumni Association.

Please RSVP to: or

We look forward to hearing from you.



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