Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,
Today we had the pleasure of witnessing the Grade 12 final assembly. This was a wonderful opportunity for the students to showcase their skills in front of their peers and the whole school community. Once again it was easy to be impressed with their commitment and talent. The Grade 12’s will have their formal graduation on Thursday, followed by a drive through graduation on Friday. It is not lost on any of us that this drive through will be one of the few times these students have been in the school since March last year. While a bit late for them, the good news for us all is that the school is well underway for a re-opening at the start of the next academic year.
This re-opening will be termed “hybrid learning,” because students will have the opportunity to attend classes in person or virtually. There will be no compulsion on a physical return to school. The processes that we have put in place to accommodate this and the requirements we have to follow are quite complicated. Fortunately, we have had a very active Covid Taskforce and the support and cooperation of the Parent Support Group and we are in a very good place in terms of our organisation. We will be holding an initial parent workshop on Wednesday, 9th June to outline the procedures for hybrid learning. We very much look forward to sharing our planning for this exciting event with you.
We received the following email on Friday: “On behalf of STUCO Advisers and Election Commission, I would like to thank you for your support in many ways so the online election ran smoothly this week.
We proudly announce and congratulate Demi and Bianca as the elected STUCO President and Vice President 2021/2022.” Congratulations to them both and thank you Barry and Austin for your fine work this year.
Finally, good luck to all our Grade 11 students who have their exhibition on Wednesday. This will showcase the work that they have done for activities that sit at the heart of the IBO curriculum. This includes the extended essay, the theory of knowledge, service and entrepreneurship.
Have a great week.
Martin Blackburn
Executive Principal