News from the Executive Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff,

Congratulations to all our Grade 12 students who completed their extended essays today.  This is arguably the most difficult task in the whole diploma programme with students having to produce a university level fully referenced 4000-word essay. The students have been pushed and challenged by this task but as expected have shown typical Sekolah Ciputra resilience and met their deadlines. The Grade 12’s are really at the business end of the diploma programme with many internal assessments due and very high expectations for their performance. Once again, I strongly encourage our Grade 12’s to attend class face to face as we approach their examinations.  

Congratulations to the Grade 5 students who completed the pilot of the new national assessment the AKM this week. It was interesting to get their feedback about the new system.

Book Week begins on the 29th of November. This is a great opportunity to focus upon the importance of reading. A good reading habit has a huge positive impact on well-being and academic achievement. There will be a number of activities throughout the week promoting reading with a particular emphasis on poetry, both classical and contemporary. We have been fortunate to work with the UK based organisation, “Authors’ Abroad,” who have provided us access to a number of poets who will be taking workshops and assemblies with our stents. This is an event worth waiting for!

It is great to note the increasing numbers of students coming for face to face teaching.  This is a trend we want to see continue. Hopefully we will soon have the capacity to extend our hours of face-to-face teaching too. It has also been good to have the support of our local health ministry in the weekly random PCR testing of students and staff to help check overall levels of safety.  

Have a great week.

Martin Blackburn 

Executive Principal