World Scholar’s Cup Surabaya Round 2017

The 4thA�World Scholara��s Cup Surabaya Round was hosted by Sekolah Ciputra onA�13-14th May 2017.
It was another successful event which attracted 248 students from Surabaya and Bali. TheyA�gathered at our school to celebrate their learning through this academic tournament.A�We would like to express our gratitude to the following people who have made everything possible by giving many hours their own time to make this event an outstanding experience.A�Our wonderful students andA�parents, our amazingA�coaches and judges, other school partners that support us by sending delegations each year. Finally, a huge thank you and congratulations to the WSC Team who are celebrating their 10 year Anniversary.A�ThankA�you for being part of this great success.A�The students were so excited to join this event. Many of them received lots of medals and trophies.
See you next year!!
Cornelia Nathalie
On behalf of the WSC 2017 Committee